PlotFolio App Concept

PlotFolio is the app concept I designed during an app development class. We did a partial case study on the needs of our chosen clientele. My clients were book lovers who wanted to track their reading and their statistics more in depth than current book tracking apps allow. I looked at both positive and negative reviews of popular book tracking apps in order to figure out what the people enjoyed and what they wish was added or different about their favorite apps. This app would work effectively for both people long into their reading hobby who want to track their progress, and also for people who are just reigniting their passion for reading and want to use this app to help them figure out what they like and what their reading habits are.

PlotFolio app interface designs

The Assets

I designed this Icon in Figma to be the in app icon representing the application. I kept it simple and black and white in order to keep it cohesive with the other icons within the app.

I took the icon I designed in Figma and brought it into Illustrator to make an App Icon. I used my original Figma design and slightly tweaked it to fit the confines of an app icon dimentions, and then I added the colors Plum, Lavender, Orchid, and Twilight purple so the colors spelled out the work “PLOT”.

This is the image I used in the background of the Account page. I took this photo myself and then brought it into Photoshop to straighten it and adjust the colors in order to make it more vibrant.

This is the image I used for the profile picture of the Account page. I took this photo of myself and then illustrated it in Procreate in order to make it into a graphic element rather than a photo.

These are the concept sketches I drew before I created my Figma wireframes. I have more pages and details I would have added to the final app if it were going into development, but for the sake of the assignment I tried to keep what I did less complex for the time restraints. I have slowly been adding on to my original 8 wireframes, and would like to eventually round this out to be complete. The main mechanisms I haven’t added yet are a DNF (did not finish) page where the user can speak to why they didn’t enjoy a book.I also want to add a goal maker and tracker that the user is able to toggle on and off depending on if they are the type of reader to try to reach goals or are a more casual reader just looking to see their statistics. I would also like to add two TBR (to be read) lists, one for books the user already owns, and another for books the user would like to purchase.

The Mockups


Peach Tattoo Brochure


Book Covers