Classical Book Covers Redesigned

I’ve always loved the look of American Traditional style tattoos, and I have a passion for reading. I decided to combine these two in order to create some redesigned book covers. I redesigned Animal Farm first, including an author bio, a book summary, a table of contents, and the first two pages of chapter one. I then took the structure I developed to create Animal Farm and changed out the assets to create the Snow White cover redesign. I designed the assets of each book in Illustrator and designed the layout of them in InDesign.

Animal Farm redesign including the author bio and plot summary

Animal Farm table of contents redesign

Animal Farm chapter redesign

The Assets

The book Animal Farm is about the Russian Revolution of 1917, and one of the main characters Napoleon is a pig meant to represent Josef Stalin. I used that knowledge and illustrated a pig wearing one of Stalin’s iconic hats using Illustrator.

Barbed wire used to be commonly used on farms to keep the animals in check, and it is also a very popular tattoo in the American Traditional style. Knowing this I decided that it would be the perfect chapter ornament for my redesign.

Animal Farm takes place on a farm in England previously called Manor Farm and renamed when the animals took over. This is obviously a main theme in the book so I decided a farm would make the perfect back cover artwork.

Snow White cover redesign

The Assets

Snow White is the story of a beautiful girl who is tormented and banished by her stepmother. One of the turning points of the story is when she foolishly accepts a poisoned apple from a peasant woman and immediately collapses and goes into a coma. This poisoned apple motif has carried throughout all of the adaptations of the original Brothers Grimm novel, making it the most central imagery of the story.

The Mockups


PlotFolio App Concept


Minnesota Flag Redesign