Castle Hill Rebranding

Castle Hill is a supper club located in Merrillan, WI. Castle Hill has been around since the early 1940s and their branding has not been consistent since. As an assignment we were tasked with creating a brand or rebranding an existing company. I took Castle Hills already existing branding and, while keeping it as close to the original as possible, I modernized and unified the elements. I took their existing brand colors and made slight adjustments in order create a more harmonious color palette. I searched for a font that matched their previous one while also helping convey the overall tone of the brand. I took the most common imagery they portrayed in their restaurant and on their website and created the separate elements of the branding using those in order to keep everything familiar while ensure it got the cohesive boost it needed. Everything for this rebrand was created using Illustrator.

Castle Hill Supper Club’s new logo design

The Brand Guidelines

The Assets

This is Castle Hill’s old logo. They have this all over their website, on their menus, and in their restaurant. I wanted to keep the bones of this design but make it simpler, especially since they use it so often.

On top of creating the rebranding for Castle Hill, I also designed a label for if they started selling old fashioned mix. I used the branding and logo I already created and made it into the label, using and editing adobe stock for the cocktail glass.

The Mockups


Ashley Event Poster


Color Block Portrait